Raspberry Yellow Giant

So far, the cultivation of raspberries with yellow berries is not so widespread, although there are varieties that can be called favorites. Among them Raspberry Yellow, which appeared in 1979. His "parents" were varieties Ivanovskaya and Maroseyka. But the variety was not obtained by ordinary crossing, but by cloning in the laboratory. Trials of the new raspberry with yellow berries lasted 12 years. Only after that, Professor V.V.Kichin and his colleagues suggested that gardeners should breed the variety.

Until now, the ratio of raspberry varieties with yellow fruits gardeners ambiguous. We will try to dispel doubts, we will tell you how to grow and care for raspberry bushes.

Botanical properties of the variety

When creating new varieties of raspberries, breeders are guided by the needs of gardeners: ripening time, disease resistance, taste and the ability to long-term fruiting.

Raspberry Yellow Giant, according to the description of the properties of the variety, fully meets the needs of gardeners. It is truly a dietary product rich in vitamins.

Description of the variety:

The Yellow Giant belongs to the remontant varieties: it bears fruit on the shoots of the first and second years. The shoots of the second year are gray, and the first years are dirty brown. The wax coating on the stems is insignificant.

Bushes are powerful, erect, not spreading. Shoots are flexible, reliable, grow up to 2 meters in height. Although there are few thorns, they are prickly.

Large leaves of a rich green color with clearly visible sharp teeth, wrinkled.

During flowering, raspberries are covered with a white veil, like a bride. This impression is due to the abundance of large white flowers on long peduncles.

Yellow fruits are attached to thick stalks. Each berry weighs up to 8 grams, although there are specimens with a small plum - up to 13 grams. Apparently, this played a role in choosing the name of the variety.

Yellow berries of a classic conical shape: rounded at the bottom, with a sharp pip at the top. Drupes are small, the adhesion between them is tight.

On one side shoot, from 15 to 20 large berries that glow in the sun can ripen at once. At first, the berries are greenish-yellow, ripe - yellow-orange.


If we talk about the characteristics of this variety of raspberries, then it has many advantages:

  1. The variety is approved by the State Register for the North-West Region.
  2. Large-fruited Yellow Giant fully lives up to its name.
  3. Flowering, judging by the description and reviews of gardeners, is long (starting from mid-July): from one to one and a half months. One bush gives up to 6 kilograms of large yellow berries.
  4. Refers to varieties with medium early ripening.
  5. Taste properties are excellent. Sweet yellow berries with a slight sourness are especially popular with children. The Yellow Giant variety was highly appreciated by the tasters - 4.2 out of 5.
  6. Nutritionists recognize the usefulness of this variety of raspberries. People with allergies, diabetes mellitus, pregnant and lactating women, young children need to include yellow raspberries in their diet. Berries (description of composition) contain a large amount of sugar, and less acids. This is what provides the sweet taste. There is more folic acid than other raspberries. The berry is useful for hematopoiesis and immune support. The giant yellow fruits contain a small amount of anthocyanins (colorants).
  7. Raspberries of this variety are practically not affected by diseases, they are able to withstand many harmful insects.
  8. High winter hardiness (up to -30 degrees) allows you to grow a remontant variety in regions with severe winters.
  9. Yellow raspberries have a dessert purpose, they are suitable for making delicious compotes, jellies, syrups, juices.

It is impossible, giving a flattering description of yellow raspberries, to keep silent about some of the shortcomings. It would be unethical for gardeners.

Although against the background of the merits, the cons do not look so scary:

  1. The yellow fruits with delicate flesh are difficult to transport over long distances.
  2. The mother bush is capable of producing a lot of growth, so during the summer you need to constantly prune.
  3. The presence of sharp thorns makes harvesting difficult.
  4. Prolonged rains or prolonged droughts negatively affect the quality of the berries.

Landing rules

As gardeners note in numerous reviews, the yield of bushes depends on planting raspberry seedlings of the Yellow Giant variety.

Seat selection

The description indicates that the raspberry seedlings of the Yellow Giant variety need to be allocated a sunny area, protected from the wind. Despite the fact that raspberries love moisture, they should not be planted in places with a close location of groundwater. The optimal direction for the ranks of the Yellow Giant, the ranks are from north to south. In this case, each raspberry shoot will receive the share of heat and light necessary for development. The site should not be located in a low or high elevation.

Warning! In no case should the Yellow Giant be planted on old raspberry beds.

Not only is the soil there is severely depleted, but also pests can be inherited.

Preparing the soil

Raspberry variety Yellow Giant thrives on sandy loam or loamy soil. You can check the suitability of the soil as follows: after compression, the lump should fall apart, as in the photo. On sandy or heavy soil, caring for raspberries is very difficult. If the soil does not match the preferences of the remontant Yellow Giant, then you will not get a large harvest. Gardeners often write about this in reviews.

When planting raspberries in the autumn, before digging, you need to add at least 25 kg of manure, 60 grams of superphosphate per square. The soil containing a large amount of peat is diluted with sand, for each square meter at least four buckets. Acidic soils are not suitable for the Yellow Giant; they can be deoxidized with lime.

As for potash fertilizers, they are applied during the spring preparation of the soil.

Dates and types of landing

It is possible to plant remontant raspberries of this variety both in autumn and spring. The main thing is not to be late with the dates when planting in spring.

Advice! In autumn they are planted in October.

The most optimal planting method is trench. Trenches are dug at a distance of at least 1.5 m from each other. The width of the ditch itself for the remontant variety of raspberries, due to the strong growth of about 80 cm. The same distance must be adhered to between the bushes.

Attention! Seedlings of the remontant Yellow Giant do not tolerate deep planting, a sufficient depth of 30 cm.

Before planting, compost and wood ash are added to the trench. Planted raspberry bushes are sprinkled with soil, shed well.

A healthy seedling is a guarantee of a harvest

When choosing seedlings of remontant raspberries, you need to pay attention to many nuances:

  1. The color of the roots should be light, without signs of disease damage.
  2. If a seedling with an open root system, then the presence of white roots is required. If the root system of raspberries is closed, then the soil should be "stitched" with roots.
  3. The length of the shoots does not play a special role, because they still have to be cut.
  4. The presence of growth buds at the root and 1-3 shoots is a prerequisite.
Attention! Experienced gardeners do not ignore seedlings with flowering or fruiting shoots.

When planting, they are removed, but you can judge the fertility of raspberries.

Features of care and cultivation

In fact, it is no more difficult to care for remontant raspberries Yellow Giant than for other varieties. Correct watering, feeding, weeding weeds, loosening the soil - that's, perhaps, all processes. Although there are still some nuances.

Watering and feeding

Raspberries love water, but judging by the description and reviews, the soil should not be poured to the state of a swamp. Problems with the root system will begin. On weakened plants, pests and diseases quickly multiply.

In order for the remontant raspberry variety Yellow Gigant to fully develop, it must be timely fed with fertilizers containing manganese, potassium, boron, iron, phosphorus and nitrogen. Fertilizers need to be applied during the growing season. As a rule, dry in autumn (the photo below shows how a gardener does this). For spring feeding of this variety of raspberries, fertilizers are dissolved in water.

Yellow Giant responds well to wood ash. It is applied 2-3 times over the summer, poured under the bushes before watering. As gardeners note in the reviews, mulching with humus or compost not only feeds the raspberry bushes, but also does not allow weeds to rage in the garden.

Advice! When feeding the Yellow Giant, you need to focus on the condition of the plant. As gardeners note in reviews, excess fertilizer can harm raspberries.

Trimming, garter

During the entire vegetative period, you need to cut out the excess rapidly growing shoots, this was mentioned in the description. If the shoots of this remontant raspberry are left unattended, they drown out flowering bushes, deplete the soil, and, as a result, a sharp decrease in yield.

If you grow remontant raspberries with yellow berries in a two-year cycle, then in the spring each shoot must be tied to a trellis. As for the first years, you need to focus on their height.

Important! Despite the fact that the shoots of the remontant variety are strong and durable, tying is necessary.

After all, the productivity of raspberries is high, the plant bends under the weight of the berries.

Do I need shelter for the winter

The Yellow Giant, judging by the descriptions and reviews, has excellent frost resistance. If you live in regions with a mild climate and abundant snow, then remontant raspberries can not be insulated, just sprinkle the root system with humus. In order for the plant to survive the harsh climate, it will have to be dug in.

Since harvesting is possible on one-year and two-year-old shoots, the preparation for winter will be different:

  1. If raspberry shoots are left for next year, they are bent down, tied in bunches, covered with non-woven material and covered with sawdust or dry earth.
  2. With a one-year growing of the Yellow Giant, all the shoots are cut out, and then covered in the same way.

Work is carried out before the onset of frost.

Advice! Before sheltering remontant raspberries for the winter, do not forget about abundant watering so that the plants can quickly wake up in the spring.


As already mentioned in the description of the Yellow Giant remontant raspberry variety, the plant is little affected by pests and diseases. But since different varieties grow in the garden, problems cannot be completely avoided.

Most often, raspberries are harmed by:

  • raspberry beetles;
  • raspberry fly;
  • spider mite;
  • raspberry moth (larvae).

Treatment from pests should be carried out not only during the period of mass destruction of plants, but also for prevention, before flowering. Most often, gardeners use:

  • Karbofos;
  • Confidor;
  • Spark;
  • Fufanon.

As gardeners write in reviews, pruning shoots at the root, loosening, timely treatment with drugs will help prevent the invasion of insects and the appearance of diseases.

Benefits of yellow raspberries:

Gardeners reviews

Ekaterina, 58 years old, Kaluga
I have been dealing with raspberries for many years. I am very sorry that I learned about the Yellow Giant raspberry variety only last year. Amazing raspberry! The yellow sweet berries are very popular with the whole family. I have never seen such giants, the size of an average walnut. I will always find a place for this kind of remontant raspberry in my garden.
Irina, 29 years old, g.Yaroslavl
I have been growing a remontant Yellow Giant for 3 years. I like it all, but it spreads too quickly over the site. The neighbor saved the situation. He suggested an amazing way out: an old slate was dug along the perimeter of the trench before planting raspberries. Now my raspberry grows only in the garden. And it's easier to cut it out there.
Andrey, 46 years old, Tyumen
I bought one bush last year. The harvest was good. The berries are large, yellow. He did not cover much for the winter, but he poured mulch from the heart. My neighbor has been doing this for years, his Yellow Giant does not die.
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